Letter from the Assistant Rector

October 13, 2022

Dear Eucharist Church,

First of all, I want to thank you all for the outpouring of love and support you've given me over the past couple of months, first as I was invited to take the role of Assistant Rector, and now as I've been ordained to the priesthood. I hope it goes without saying, but I love this church. I love all of you, and I am so honored to be your priest. I very much look forward to the coming months and (Lord-willing) to many years of service, fellowship, worship, and partnership in the Gospel.

A part of my role as Assistant Rector is helping to facilitate community life here at Eucharist Church. Thus, I want to warmly invite you to pay attention to and participate in the many offerings we have this season. From our Pumpkin Carving (this Saturday!) to our Fall Retreat to EuTunes (new event--see below!) to our St. Nicolas Party--we have so many wonderful things planned and we'd love for you to join in.

As you can see, we are, as a church, trying to purposefully lean into fellowship and connection this fall. I look forward to continuing to serve this beautiful church in my new role, and rejoice with you all as we enter into the last quarter of 2022 and a new church calendar year.

The Lord be with you,
Fr. John


Advent: Preparing Our Hearts for Christmas