All of life in reference to Christ.
Our Faith.
We are committed to Biblical, historic Christianity, and seek to thoughtfully practice it as it has been consensually understood and faithfully practiced in all places and at all times.
We believe that Jesus is Lord. He alone is our hope and our means of communion with God. We love because He first loved us. He is our life; His Kingdom, our mission; His presence, our joy.
We believe that God has been uniquely revealed to us as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. All of the goodness, beauty, and joy in life ultimately traces its way back to communion with the Trinity. Our communion with the Trinity is imperfectly, but necessarily, worked out in the context of our communion with fellow members of Christ’s Body, the Church.
We believe that our faith, our lifestyle, and our common life together must be shaped, nurtured, challenged by, and obedient to the Word of God. All of Scripture is to be understood in light of Christ.
Our Roots.
Eucharist Church is a Christian congregation rooted in the Anglican tradition and shaped by the Benedictine way of following Jesus. We seek to connect ancient Christian worship and classic Christian faith to the lives of 21st-century people.