Eucharist Kids
“Let the little children come to me… for it is to such as these that the kingdom of heaven belongs.”
- Jesus
Eucharist Kids Values
We are committed to making Eucharist Church the safest place for children in San Francisco. We require background checks and special safety training of all volunteers. Following the policies and recommendations laid out by our diocese, we have implemented a thoughtful and thorough children’s safety plan that we follow carefully.
We are committed to nurturing a holistic approach to Christian formation for children that includes addressing the home life, formation of parent’s faith, sustaining a vibrant social community for children that normalizes Christian faith commitment.
Multi-Generational Worship
We are committed to working toward healthy, vibrant, multi-generational worship. In order to address the needs of families and children at young ages, we offer a nursery for very young children and age-appropriate programming for preschool and elementary age children (3-11 years) during the Word (scripture reading / sermon / creed, prayers of the people) portion of the service. We believe children are a vital part of our church life, and so we invite families to begin and end the service together.
Parental / Family Support
We are committed to supporting parents and families. Studies about children’s faith development repeatedly point out that THE most important factor (by a long shot) in a child’s faith development is actually the parent’s faith & practice and what goes on at home. As a church we want to prioritize supporting parents in their incredibly important role as the primary shepherds of their child’s heart.
Eucharist Church believes that our children are a vital part of our church life and community and we take very seriously our commitment to caring for our children and families in safe and positive ways. We comply with our diocesan Child & Youth Protection Policies, as well as local governance:
Screening: volunteers must submit to various background checks.
Training: volunteers receive ongoing training, check-ins, and support from our Children’s Ministry Director.
Interaction: volunteers always work in pairs (never alone with children), classrooms have windows and are fully viewable to the parents, and classroom expectations are discussed with the children in every class.
Respond and Report Abuse: volunteers are encouraged to report any suspicion of abuse.
During Worship on Sundays
Nursery / Playroom
Our playroom is staffed by two screened childcare workers/volunteers and open to children ages 4 and under during our Catechesis hour (9:00am) and worship (10:00am). We provide a simple structure during the worship hour that includes a biblical storytime, simple craft/art activity, and lots of supervised play.
Eucharist Kids' Classes
We are currently offering two classes for kids during the Word / sermon portion of the service; our Preschool Class is for kids ages 4-6 and our Elementary Class is for kids ages 7-9. Our curriculum includes activities, a story, and a liturgical flow that mirrors the main service. It is designed to prepare kids to be re-integrated into the main worship service by the time they reach middle school. This reflects our “multi-generational worship” value below. If you have questions please email our Director of Children’s Ministry: Rachel Sajja.
In our Eucharist Kids classes, we aim for our curriculum and programming to be:
Christ-Centered, Gospel-Focused – We want our children to know the love of God in Christ.
Following the Lectionary – In order to foster continuity between parents and children, we want to base our curriculum offered to children during worship off of the same 3-year lectionary cycle that guides the Word portion of our worship services.
Cultivating Wonder & Holy Curiosity – We’re not just interested in stuffing kids full of facts and information. We want them to enter into the mystery of knowing and loving God – with body, heart, and mind.
Learning the Biblical Story – We want our children to be grounded in biblical literacy such that the Bible shapes their imagination and provides the foundation of their identity. Our children, over time, should come to know the Old and New Testament characters, treasure the Biblical stories, and memorize key verses.
Forming Holy Habits – The ability for people to continually grow in love, build character / virtue, and mature/sustain faith over a lifetime all comes back to the habits, patterns, and rhythms that shape our life. We are all (kids especially) “ritual” creatures. We want to build on that part of our nature, not resist it.