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Eastertide Retreats

2,000 years ago, the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead changed everything. At his resurrection, Jesus defeated death, and opened the way of life to those who are joined to him. Realizing, appropriating, and embracing the resurrection and the kind of life held out to members of Christ’s body in the resurrection IS life, real life, and formative unto life. But just what is this life and how do individual Christians and their communities enter into this life?

This May, Eucharist Church and Iona House are joining together for an Eastertide Cohort experience, entering into a fuller experience of the abundant life offered in Christ in light of the resurrection. We’re calling this retreat Resurrection Life

We’ll be offering two cohorts, one for women (May 8th-10th) and one for men (May 22nd-24th). We hope you can join us! Please register as soon as you’re able, space is limited.

March 29

Mobilize Love: For the Bay 5K