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Tenderloin Worship Outreach

When God came to earth in the person of Jesus Christ, He spent an offensive amount of His time with those on the margins of human society (Matt. 11:19; Mark 2:16; Luke 7:39; 15:2). He likened God’s Kingdom to a feast to which the least and lowest were invited (Luke 14:16-24). In His Incarnation, He identified with all humanity, but especially with those in need, and He told His Church that we will be judged based on our capacity to see Him in the faces of the disadvantaged (Matt. 25:31-46). Being incorporated into Christ and His Body means becoming an invitation to the world, especially the least and lowest.

It’s with this in mind that we are relaunching Eucharist’s ministry in the Tenderloin, in partnership with our missionaries, Ihab and Rika Sourial, and YWAM San Francisco. Prior to the pandemic, our church hosted a eucharistic service there in the heart of the Tenderloin. We are committed to working towards relaunching this ministry and becoming the invitation to God’s Kingdom that Christ wants us to be.

In preparation for this, we will have a hot chocolate outreach and time of prayer on Saturday, March 4,
YWAM, 357 Ellis St, from 11AM-1PM.

Ihab will take the time to walk us through the hot chocolate distribution they do regularly in the TL, and help prepare us for conversations and relationship-building with our neighbors there. Our goal for this first time there together will be to familiarize ourselves with the area, build relationships and have conversations with those who live there, and grow in our understanding of what God is inviting us to do through this ministry.

If you would like more information and to sign up for this first Saturday outreach, please click the below. Please keep this ministry in prayer and come expecting the Holy Spirit to be at work among us!

March 1

Lenten Vesper Service

March 15

Lenten Vesper Service