In Holy Week we are swept up into the events of the final week of Jesus’ earthly life.
We become participants not mere spectators in this pilgrimage of love.
We hope you can join us for our special services as we conclude the Lenten season, lean into Holy Week, and enter joyfully into Eastertide together!

April 13

Palm fronds, singing, and more as we celebrate Jesus's entrance into Jerusalem and all of the festivities that went with the would-be coronation. This service launches us into the drama of the events of Jesus's final week. 

The Procession of the Palms will begin in the Fellowship Hall.

April 17

Maundy Thursday is a day when we commemorate several significant moments – Jesus instituting the Lord’s Supper (Holy Communion) and Jesus washing His disciple’s feet while giving them the command to love one another. Maundy comes from the Latin word meaning “commandment”.

April 18

  • Mid-Day Prayer Service - 12:00PM

  • Prayer Vigil | Stations of the Cross | Priestly Confession Available
    12:30PM - 7:00PM

  • Tenebrae Service* - 7:00PM

Join us as we commemorate the cross by experiencing the horror and darkness of the Son of God being rejected and killed by His own creation. The services include music, readings, and more.

April 19

In this special service we will remember the story of salvation, reflect on and remember our baptisms, and celebrate the first light of Easter with bells and singing.

Plan to bring a dessert to share!

April 20

The culmination of Holy Week, on which we celebrate the resurrection of Jesus and the hope offered in his promise to raise his people on the last day!

*No children’s programming;
staffed nursery room available for young children.